which under DEA policy was to be removed automatically from the file after two years. Zoumberos, who now lives in North Carolina, did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Internal records and ...
Randel also gave the reporter other information from DEA files about Ashcroft, some of it from Dunn and Bradstreet financial reports. The files did not implicate Ashcroft in any criminal activity.
Upon discovering that DEA director Anne Milgram "illegally appointed the administrative law Judge Teresa Wallbaum" to hear the case, Megan Sheehan and Associates, lawyers representing MMJ ...
The family of Marganne Allen, who was killed by a DEA agent during a surveillance operation, filed a $2.5 million wrongful death lawsuit. The lawsuit alleges the DEA agent, Samuel Landis ...
DPS files for restraining order to prevent ICE enforcement on school property The DEA said the people shown in the photos are all undocumented immigrants. They were among the more than 90 people ...
SALEM, Ore. (KPTV) - The husband of a woman hit and killed on her bike by an on-duty DEA Agent filed a civil suit Wednesday against the agent. The suit also names the DEA, Salem Police ...
That 2018 case set off alarm bells at the highest levels of the DEA and the agency refused to talk about it for years. But the documents Mustian and Goodman obtained, along with a first-ever interview ...