ICE, immigration raids and Los Angeles house ransacked

Los Angeles County Supervisor and LA Metro Board Chair Janice Hahn has asked the mega transit agency to display information ...
Protesters took to the street while a Homeland Security raid took place in South LA Friday. While some were concerned it was an ICE raid, the LAPD says it was related to a human trafficking ...
A group of anti-ICE activists interrupted ICE operations in Southern California on Monday and terrorized agents by posting ...
The U.S. Constitution guarantees a free public education to every child, regardless of immigration status, but a new Trump ...
Clinic administrators describe anxiety about President Donald Trump’s move to allow immigration arrests inside health centers ...
One of the individuals targeted in the supposed raid was the father-in-law of Flipe Espinoza, 56, who works as a traffic ...
Given the Trump administration's stated desire to ratchet up immigration enforcement and deportations, officials say it's ...
The Executive Director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Connie Chung Joe, worries about non-English-speaking immigrants ...