The establishment of a cemetery is a foremost priority, thereby reflecting Jewish identity and belonging to the Jewish ...
The UN is the leading global driver of antisemitism in the world today. This video evidences how the operation works. The UN ...
Bibas is the wake up call. Time to take our heads out of the sand, smell the Jihad, and fight back.
From finance to medicine, from trade to literature, Jews contributed to every aspect of society. Families spoke Judeo-Arabic, ...
While some of his actions were morally problematic, we look only at his philosophy to understand this logical genius as part ...
International humanitarian law is dead. Ideologically motivated hostility to Israel since the Hamas massacre of Israelis on ...
Jordan illegally annexed the West Bank according to international law, while Egypt simply administered Gaza, hoping to use it ...
If Trump and Zelensky were to negotiate a settlement that undermines Ukraine’s sovereignty, it would not just be a tragedy ...
Nowhere is this more clearly evident than in “the news.” Nevertheless, on occasion it behooves us to try and focus on ...
The terrible kidnapped-for-terrorists deal is a self-sacrifice which is a powerful prayer: God, see what dangers we are ...
Terumah relates G-d’s directions to Moses for building the portable sanctuary, the mishkan. The Children of Israel were on ...
Yes, all media have biases. Even CNN, The New York Times, and the BBC have faced scrutiny. But Al Jazeera is in a league of ...