American Bulk by Emily Mester covers the upper-middle-class desire to consume or be consumed, via personal and critical essays.
A state law changed the names of six weapons charges. Some say that can ease reentry for those convicted; others say the reforms don’t go far enough.
If it wasn't for playing in bands and doing that for all those years," says Mikel Galati of Modest Merch, "I wouldn't have my ...
When you stop to think about it, it’s really remarkable how much technology has transformed the way we connect, date, and ...
A clash between a grad student and the dean of a theater department takes center stage in Omer Abbas Salem's One Party ...
If Here to Stay succeeds at building "missing middle" housing, the development could be a model for Chicago’s emerging land ...
Military uniforms combine functionality with timeless style. No wonder Chicagoan Anne Arundel looked so striking in her ...
Chicago Record Report covers new local music that's caught the Reader's ear—including releases by Nestor Arriaga, Facs, Oux, ...
An ongoing dispute between the board and the artistic ensemble threatens the future of the influential Black theater company.
Bylines labeled “Chicago Reader Staff” are used for features that contain nonwritten, nonreported information like listings, ...
Artistic Home's revival of Ibsen's Hedda Gabler anatomizes how vicarious thrills lead to vicious vengeance.
Survivors are choosing to transport themselves to the hospital instead of waiting for emergency services. Experts say the ...