U.S. CattleTrace and Where Food Comes From join forces to unify and support the beef industry’s voluntary traceability ...
Gary Tiller, director or commercial operations with Vence, which is a U.S.-based company owned by Merck Animal Health, says ...
The Beef Profit Tracker from Sterling Marketing shows both feedlot and packer margins improved last week with slaughter up ...
White wormers (benzimidazoles) work well at killing adults in the GI tract, he adds. The two subclasses of the macrocyclic ...
Nofence offers the possibility of multi-species grazing with collars for both cattle and sheep and goats, says Victoria ...
Water monitors and sensors empower producers with real-time data and automation to improve efficiency, sustainability and ...
U.S. beef exports trended higher than a year ago in January, according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat ...
Matt Risi is a customer success lead in the U.S. for Halter, which was developed in New Zealand and expanded into the states.
Virtual fencing offers Wild Olive Cattle Company flexibility in grazing the dry, brushy country of their south Texas ranch.
Virtual fencing technology is ever-changing and producers have several options available in the U.S. to find what fits their ...
According to the latest USMEF Export Report, U.S. beef exports equated to more than $415 per fed steer or heifer slaughtered ...
Taking a look at the beef profit tracker, the average comprehensive cutout value for the week ending March 1 was about ...