Barbara Franklin, whom President Richard Nixon appointed in 1971 to spearhead an effort to bring more women into high-level ...
House music typically thumps at 120-130 beats per minute, in 4/4 time. That's an awfully clinical description of the sound ...
Being married to the president of the United States [is a] thing that none of us kind of banked on. We knew Barack was smart ...
Photos show how St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated at the White House through the years. As President John F. Kennedy was ...
Unlike the average American, President Donald Trump doesn't have to worry about paying for rent or utility bills while living ...
Trumps honored the US military by bringing bands to the White House to perform. US Army Chorus entertained the crowd with ...
Ryan shares her journey as the longest-serving Black woman in the White House press corps and her commitment to Black Press.
Former first lady said she could never have ‘gotten through eight years in the White House without my big brother’ ...
Former first lady Michelle Obama, 61, is openly sharing her true thoughts about her husband, Barack Obama, 63, who ...
President Donald Trump is expected to return to Palm Beach, Florida this weekend, his sixth Sunshine State visit since taking ...
Here's all we know about Melania Trump's Amazon documentary: While the White House and Amazon have been secretive about the ...