According to the Census Bureau, the region that includes Lancaster and Seward counties had an estimated 350,626 people as of July 1, up more than 4,000 from the previous year.
Part of Interstate 80 is open in Lincoln, but it remains closed to Grand Island after a blizzard moved through Nebraska on Tuesday night.
The public is encouraged to share their opinions on projects being considered for federal transportation funding allocated by the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency, with six in the Council Bluffs area ...
The happiest cities combine elements of healthy living, thriving communities, and work-life balance. Five of the top 10 are ...
With her final college meet approaching, New Jersey's high school high jump record holder is pondering the next step for her ...
Lawmakers easily advanced a bill Monday that would require Nebraska's K-12 schools adopt policies banning the use of cell ...
A 150,000-square-foot furniture store will move into a Northland Macy’s after it closes. Furniture Mall of Missouri will take ...
Snow, ice and wind are on tap for much of eastern Nebraska and western Iowa on Saturday ... a narrow band of snow north of the Omaha metro area. In addition to the precipitation, Castillo said ...
Nebraska’s cottage food law allows individuals to produce and sell homemade foods directly to consumers. Recent updates to ...
Interstate 80 in Nebraska has reopened after being closed for more than 14 hours as a blizzard moved through the ...