Rahm Emanuel, an American Democratic politician and diplomat who recently served as the U.S. ambassador to Japan during the ...
Rahm Wants to Run. Yes, that Rahm. And, yes, for that office — the presidency. “I’ve only been back two months, I have no ...
— Brian Gladstein is now executive director of the Friends of the Parks nonprofit in Chicago. He was a fundraising consultant ...
“I’ve only been back two months, I have no idea what I’m doing,” Rahm I. Emanuel, operative-turned-politician-turned-diplomat told me before adding his stock line since returning from serving as ...
Rahm Emanuel is voting with his feet ... The biggest Rahm-may-run tell, though, is that he’s already road-testing the first outlines of a stump speech, or at least an issue he can make his ...
The gist of Rahm’s argument is left-wing positions —like trans rights, and that’s what he was dog-whistling there— are not popular with the public, and Dim-o-crats should distance themselves. He’s a ...
CHICAGO - Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is reportedly considering a run for U.S. president, according to Politico. Emanuel returned to Chicago in January after serving as U.S. ambassador to Japan ...
Observers from the left, right, and center were unmoved by a Politico report suggesting that Rahm Emanuel is flirting with running for president in 2028.
Observers from the left, right, and center were unmoved by a report from Politico’s Jonathan Martin suggesting that Rahm Emanuel is flirting with running for president in 2028. “Rahm Wants to Run.