Rupert Murdoch listens ... the brand of sneakers Murdoch wore for his fifth marriage was difficult to identify, at The White House his choice of Brooks running shoes was clear.
But Rupert Murdoch wearing sneakers to the White House on Monday makes it a trend. Suits and sneakers are as divisive as ...
“Rupert Murdoch is in a class by himself, he’s an amazing guy,” President Trump said of the conservative media magnate, who sat smiling in the Oval Office this week as the newly elected ...
“Rupert Murdoch is in a class by himself, he’s an amazing guy,” President Trump said of the conservative media magnate, who sat smiling in the Oval Office this week as the newly elected president sang ...
Robert Thomson, CEO of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, didn’t exactly tiptoe around the subject of politics when presiding over the company’s quarterly earnings call Wednesday. During prepared ...
“Just respect, I have great respect for Rupert Murdoch. I disagree with him a lot of times with The Wall Street Journal but it’s all right. We’ve disagreed before. And I’m sure they didn ...
Rupert Murdoch’s media empire just did something incredibly unusual: It said sorry. The conservative media mogul’s British newspapers division, known as News Group Newspapers (NGN), offered a ...
With Rupert Murdoch and Larry Ellison in the Oval Office, Trump said “we’re going to be doing something perhaps with TikTok, perhaps not. If we make the right deal, we’ll do it. Otherwise we won’t.” ...
Rupert Murdoch‘s News Group Newspapers (NGN) has made a shock apology to Prince Harry and the pair have settled in court. In the past few minutes, the BBC reported NGN apologizing for phone ...
London — Britain's Prince Harry has settled his lawsuit against the U.K. newspaper group owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, News Group Newspapers, his lawyer told CBS News on Wednesday.