U.S. Resettlement Partners | UNHCR US
Resettlement is a coordinated activity undertaken in partnership with UNHCR, U.S. government agencies, NGOs and other actors. It includes a variety of specific actions, from the identification of refugees in need of resettlement in the field to screening, processing and reception and integration of the refugees in the United States. Below is …
Invitations to bid | UNHCR
Notices are listed in date order, with the most recently added listed first. Please note, if there are no notices listed on this page, we are not currently requesting invitations to bid. View all invitations to bid (ITBs), regardless of which submission process they use, or see the lists below with ...
Sudan - UNHCR
For up-to-date information about our programmes and operations in Sudan, including funding level and donor contributions, visit Global Focus, UNHCR's reporting portal.
The 1951 Refugee Convention | UNHCR
Refugees are in extremely vulnerable circumstances, lacking the protection of their own countries and facing immense challenges to their safety and well-being. The 1951 Refugee Convention, supplemented by its 1967 Protocol, help protect them.
UNHCR Egypt - The UN Refugee Agency
Jun 26, 2024 · Egypt hosts more than 700,000 registered refugees & asylum-seekers. The majority are from Sudan, Syria, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen etc.
Operational Guidance: Responding to the health and protection needs of people selling or exchanging sex in humanitarian settings. UNHCR and UNFPA 2021 UNHCR Gender Equality Toolkit Sexual and Gender-based Violence and Child Protection UNHCR Glossary Need to Know Guidance: Working with persons with disabilities in forced displacement. UNHCR. 2011 Need to Know Guidance: Working with lesbian, gay ...
Refugee Camps - UNHCR Jordan
Jordan is home to Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps for Syrian refugees. Zaatari camp, the larger of the two, hosts over 80,000 refugees and is located 10km east of the ...
UNHCR Resettlement Handbook
The UNHCR Resettlement Handbook offers resettlement management and policy guidance to UNHCR staff, and is a key reference tool on global resettlement policy and practice for resettlement countries, NGOs and other partners.
Refugee Rights Are Human Rights | UNHCR
The Hope Away from Home campaign is calling for ongoing solidarity to protect and defend the rights of all refugees, without discrimination. The time for action is now.
United States of America - UNHCR
For information about our work in the United States of America: